Meditation Benefits
Meditation on Twin Hearts opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone .
The meditation relaxes the body, calms the emotions and stills the mind.
Regular practitioners of Meditation on Twin Hearts attain inner happiness, inner peace and fulfillment .
Meditation on Twin Hearts can hope to achieve Illumination and profound expansion of consciousness.
Spiritual aspirants who practice this meditation regularly may experience envelopment of dazzling, even blinding light. Practitioners may also experience divine ecstasy and bliss, and a feeling of oneness with all creation. This can be verified through the holy scriptures of all religions.
Regular practitioners of MTH have increased sizes of chakras and auras making the energy body stronger and more dynamic.
After practicing Meditation on Twin Hearts, pranic healers were noted to heal patients quicker than before and with amazing results.
As a result of practicing MTH, one becomes more intelligent and develops increased intuitive abilities.