Meditation Benefits
When people practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts daily or regularly, their major chakras and auras will increase in size, making their energy bodies more dynamic and stronger. With bigger chakras and inner aura, they can become more powerful healers and can heal most minor ailments very quickly and almost instantaneously.
Having a powerful and dynamic energy body not only enhances one's healing powers but also increases one's effectiveness and productivity at work. People who have magnetic personalities or great charisma usually have bigger chakras and inner auras than ordinary people, and they
tend to have a stronger influence over most people.
Furthermore, a person who regularly meditates becomes more intuitive and intelligent. When faced with a problem, he will have the increased ability to see directly through the problem and find the right or proper solutions. Those who intend to practice regularly the Meditation on Twin Hearts, however, should practice self-purification or character building through daily reflection so their positive characteristics will be magnified or activated.
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a form of world service. By blessing the earth with loving-kindness, you fill the world with positive spiritual energies. The blessings can be directed to organisations, specific countries, or group of nations. The potency of the blessings is increased many times when done by a group of persons. Another way of blessing the earth with loving-kindness is by daily radio broadcast at an appropriate time with some or most of the listeners participating in the meditation process. When practiced by a large number of people, this meditation miraculously heals the entire earth, thereby making it more harmonious and peaceful.