What Happened during TWHM?
When a person does the Meditation on Twin Hearts (TWHM), divine energy flows down to the practitioner, filling him or her with Divine Light, Love and Power. The practitioner becomes a channel of this Divine energy.
Spiritual aspirants who have practiced this meditation for quite some time may experience being enveloped by dazzling, sometimes blinding light. In addition, practitioners may experience divine ecstasy and bliss, and a feeling of oneness with all creation. This has been a common experience among advanced yogis and saints of all religions, and can be verified through their holy scriptures.
This blinding, brilliant, and dazzling light is known as Heaven Ki in Taoist yoga, or the pillar of light in ancient Jewish Kaballah traditions. To the Indian yogis and saints, they call this pillar of light, the Antakharana, or spiritual bridge of light.
The Christians refer to it as the descent of the Holy Spirit, symbolised by a pillar of light with a descending white dove. The white dove represents the coming down of divine energy. The descent of the divine energy causes the temporary expansion of the practitioner's major chakras and inner aura. But if this meditation is practiced daily for a year, then the expansion may become permanent.
in light and love, thehealer